Renishaw Next-Generation Build Processor

A partnership enabling better RenAM machine integrations

Create printing jobs based on build profiles validated by Renishaw for their RenAM 3D printers. Elevate your AM process efficiency with the Renishaw Next-Generation Build Processor (NxG BP) and gain control over all your AM parameters with our integration of QuantAM software.

A black, Renishaw RenAM 500Q Ultra 3D-printer.

Cover the full workflow

Hexagon icon with white, gray, blue, and yellow triangles

1. Data and build preparation 

Fix, edit, support, place, and nest parts 

Icon of a 3D printer

2. Job file creation   

Assign parameters, slice, and hatch  

Icon of a 3D printer printing a cube

3. Printing 

Build 3D-printed parts with clear instructions for the printer 


Streamline AM workflows

Load balancing

Gain control over your AM parameters

Tempus technology

Manual laser assignment

Renishaw Next-Generation Build Processor details

Latest release 

  • Materialise Renishaw Next Gen Build Processor 1.0

Compatible machine models 

  • AM400
  • RenAM 500S
  • RenAM 500Q
  • RenAM 500S Flex
  • RenAM 500Q Flex
  • RenAM 500S Ultra
  • RenAM 500Q Ultra