
The 3D Technology Behind the World’s First Successful Double Hand and Face Transplant: A Clinical Engineering Perspective

About this webinar

This double hand and face transplant, led by Dr. Eduardo D. Rodriguez at NYU Langone Health, is a testament to the value of 3D planning and printing for complex medical cases. 3D technology revolutionizes the surgical process, starting with how clinicians communicate with their teams and patients to how they plan and perform surgeries.

In this webinar, Alyssa Glennon, our Principal Clinical Engineer in the USA, discussed the 3D technology behind the hand transplants. Alyssa walked the audience through the planning process and explained how Materialise's innovative tools enabled the speed and accuracy required for such a complex medical procedure.

What you will learn

  • How Materialise's innovative tools and technology helped the double hand and face transplant surgical team to prepare
  • What role 3D planning and printing played in the surgical process


Alyssa Glennon

Principal Engineer for Business Development, Materialise

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This content is intended for Health Care Professionals only L102255-01

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