
Mimics AI-Enabled CT Heart Tool for Heart Chamber Segmentation: Quantitative Validation

Manually performing heart chamber segmentation is a time-consuming, laborious, and error-prone task. Automating this process adds many efficiencies to an engineer’s workflow by saving time and improving accuracy. In Mimics Innovation Suite 25, a new AI-enabled CT Heart tool was designed to automatically provide high-quality heart chamber and vessel segmentation.

In this whitepaper, we evaluated and compared the performance of the automatic CT Heart tool with the semi-automatic tool available in Mimics and with the results of another automatic solution reported in a comparable study (Yang et al., 2018).

What you will learn

  • Understand how segmentation of the heart evolved over the past few years and what methods are common practice
  • Discover the improvements found in the newest CT Heart algorithm and the corresponding scan protocol
  • Learn how the new CT Heart tool works to provide high-quality segmentation of the left and right heart and the myocardium
  • Dive deeper into the quantitative results by comparing the new algorithm with the previous one


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