Preoperative Planning with Digital X-Rays Is the Future — Now!
About this webinar
Dr. Barker describes why orthopaedic preoperative planning matters and how it helps him achieve his surgical goals. He plans all of his hip joint replacement cases with Materialise OrthoView, both standard and follows the Exeter seven-step preoperative planning method. In the webinar, you learn what Dr. Barker considers the key measurements for achieving a successful surgical outcome and restoring full activity to his patients. Dr. Barker identifies the benefits of knowing these measurements before going into surgery and describes how to measure them with a preoperative planning solution.
What you will learn
- Why orthopaedic preoperative planning matters
- How preoperative planning provides answers to the questions: Have we got what we need? and What are we going to do?
- The requirements for preoperative planning
- What can be measured with preoperative planning
- How to establish key measurements such as the size of the acetabular component required, stem size, and offset and leg length discrepancy
Dr. Ross Barker

Dr. Ross Barker
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THINK Medical 3D Printing webinar series
3D planning and medical 3D printing can be game changers for your medical practice. The THINK Medical 3D Printing webinar series will bring you up to speed with the latest developments. Learn from leading orthopaedic surgeons how they use 3D visualization tools, 3D-printed models, and devices in their daily practice and how it changed their way of thinking.