
The Personalized Digital Human: Personalizing Computational Models to Prevent and Treat Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions

About this webinar

In the near future, personalized digital human body models with personalized rigid body neuromusculoskeletal and finite element computational models will have many uses. Current research has shown that the predictive accuracy of these computational models requires personalized representations of various characteristics of the neuromusculoskeletal system.

During this webinar, Prof. Lloyd covers methods for the development and validation of high-fidelity personalized models from normal healthy individuals across the life span and different ethnic groups, but also from patients in different pathological populations.

What you will learn

  • How personalized digital human body models can benefit medicine
  • Methods for developing and validating high-fidelity personalized models



Prof. David Lloyd

Professor of Neuromusculoskeletal Biomechanics in the School of Allied Health Sciences, leader of Core Group in Innovations in Health Technology, Menzies Health Institute Queensland at Griffith University.

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