Medical 3D Players: The Path to Payback for 3D Printing at Point-of-Care

Discussing mass personalization in healthcare — because one size fits no one


Uncover the latest medical advancements and challenges in 3D technology in this podcast. Hosts Pieter Slagmolen and Sebastian De Boodt from Materialise are joined by different experts to examine key developments in the healthcare industry.

How can insurers begin to reimburse medical 3D printing? Andy Christensen, Chair of RSNA, the 3D printing special interest group, details the process and criteria unfolding behind the scenes. He also shares his thoughts on hospitals doing 3D printing in-house, including regenerative and metal printing.


Andy Christensen

Chair of the RSNA 3D Printing Special Interest Group

About your hosts

Pieter Slagmolen

Innovation Manager

Sebastian De Boodt

Market Manager — Research and Engineering

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