
Personalizing Pediatric Care Using 3D Printing

About this webinar

3D printing is revolutionizing pediatric care, allowing surgeons to better plan and practice the surgery before going into the operating room. Join Dr. Sanjay Prabhu, Director of the Radiology Advanced Image Analysis Lab, to learn how Boston Children’s Hospital is leading the way with its extensive 3D printing program, allowing clinicians and surgeons to find new and innovative ways to treat patients.

Plus, get a live demonstration of the Mimics Innovation Suite, which enables the team at Boston Children’s Hospital to go from the medical image data (CT/MRI) to a 3D-printed model.

What you will learn

  • How 3D printing helps to find innovative ways to treat patients
  • How pediatric clinicians and surgeons use 3D printing
  • How Boston Children's Hospital use Mimics Innovation Suite to go from medical image data (CT/MRI) to 3D-printed models



Dr. Sanjay Prabhu

Director, Radiology Advanced Image Analysis Lab, Boston Children’s Hospital

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Materialise medical device software may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory or medical practices in individual markets. In countries where no regulatory registration is obtained of Mimics or 3-matic Medical, a research version is available. Please contact your Materialise representative if you have questions about the availability of Materialise medical device software in your area.


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