Research, Reports, and Policies

Forging the future of 3D printing

Materialise is committed to investing in research to better understand how 3D printing and our solutions can have a positive impact. These insights drive our actions, and we have policies in place to ensure sustainability is firmly embedded in everything we do.  

Man talking to a room full of people while pointing to charts on a screen
Person wearing gloves and holding 3D-printed eyewear frames above a pile of 3D printing powder
Man wearing gloves, removing 3D-printed insoles from a powder bed
UN Global Compact endorser logo
Employees standing in the hall of materialise office
A 3D printing production worker is emptying a bucket of white PA 12 powder and small 3D-printed parts into a metal container. A large suction nozzle above the container draws up the loose powder, leaving the laser sintered parts behind for further cleaning.

Sustainable supply chain policy

Digital image of a portion of Earth with various points and lines of light

Conflict minerals policy 

Materialise is conscious that a limited number of its products may contain tin, tantalum, tungsten, or gold. Products containing one or more of these elements include consumer products printed through our i.materialise online 3D printing services. 

Materialise ensures that such products do not contain conflict minerals sourced from mines that support or fund conflict within the Democratic Republic of Congo or adjoining countries. 

Therefore, it is our policy: 

  • Not to purchase products and materials containing conflict minerals directly from mines or smelters. 
  • To undertake due diligence to ensure our suppliers have the same commitment to their products and supply chains. 
  • To give preference to suppliers that guarantee their products to be free of conflict minerals. 
ISO 14001 logo