Materialiseは部品の3Dプリント、3Dプリント関連コンサルティング・サービスのサポートをいたします。 当社は、ソフトウェアソリューションの幅広いプラットフォームと、大型で完全な3Dプリント設備をベースにしたデジタルマニュファクチャリングサービスを提供しています。 お客様の競争力を高めるために、Materialiseがどのようなサポートを提供できるかご覧ください。

Navigate the future of aerospace with shorter lead times, more affordable small series production, and the unrivaled design freedom that additive manufacturing can offer.

From quick, performant prototypes and visual models to small series manufacturing and automotive tooling, tick every box by bringing 3D printing into existing or new production workflows.

Enter a new era of more sustainable, on-demand manufacturing where creativity and innovation have no boundaries and where quick time-to-market, and zero stock-risk, boost business agility.


Create truly unique solutions, enable mass customization across your product line, move from design to serial production quickly and affordably, and benefit from de-risked and sustainable supply chains.

Create innovative production tools and prototypes, optimize uptime, and make obsolescence obsolete with 3D-printed spare parts that are never out of date and printed on demand.