
How Customized Process Automation Can Help Scale Up Your Personalized Medical Solution

How Customized Process Automation Can Help Scale Up Your Personalized Medical Solution

A propos de ce webinar

Automation plays a significant role in enabling companies to grow personalized medical cases. While the advantages of personalized solutions are now widespread across the healthcare market, the benefits of dedicated workflow automation are still to be adopted. Many companies are unaware of the easy and accessible possibilities that can decrease lead times and increase efficiency. This webinar aims to give an overview of these possibilities.

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • When to consider a customized workflow automation
  • The benefits automation can bring when scaling up personalized medical solutions
  • How to start and what options are available — in-house vs. outsourcing
  • Examples of how it has helped other companies


Karen De Leener

Market Manager, Materialise Medical

Simon Lejaegere

Product Manager, Materialise Medical​

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