Seminarios web

Workflow Automation: Eliminating Repetitive Tasks with Protolabs

Digital model of 3D-printed metal parts with labels assigned to the base and each individual component

Acerca de este seminario web

Learn to minimize the time and effort spent on time-consuming, manual tasks during data and build preparation with the Workflow Automation module for Magics. Join Materialise software experts and Christoph Erhardt, Manager of Customer Projects and Additive Design at Protolabs, to discover how Workflow Automation can transform additive manufacturing productions. We'll dive into Protolabs' use of the smart labeling tool, which reduced their time spent labeling medical parts by two hours per build.

Lo que aprenderá

  • How Protolabs eliminated repetitive labeling tasks with smart labeling​
  • How you can automate your time-consuming manual tasks during data and build preparation with Workflow Automation in Magics
  • How the integration with CO-AM adds to the customization and automation possibilities for your current workflows

Meet the speakers

Lieve Boeykens

Solution Strategist Manager, Materialise Software

Koen Neutjens

Product Line Manager for Incubator Applications, Materialise Software

Christoph Erhardt

Manager of Customer Projects and Additive Design, Protolabs

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