Materialise Magics
Nest 3D models in a controlled way throughout your entire build with the Nester module’s wide array of tools. Alongside its advanced algorithms and speed, the software also offers you options to protect small parts, indicate no-build and priority zones, and nest on multiple machines. The 3D nester is suitable for powder bed technologies like SLS, MJF, and EBM, and binder jetting.

Speed up your workflow
Place hundreds or even thousands of parts in minutes while maintaining control over part orientation across multiple platforms at once.
Optimize your machine capacity
Optimally distribute parts on your platforms with the 3D nester, automatically avoiding laser field overlaps and prioritizing part placement into custom nesting zones.
Obtain excellent part quality
Optimize printing platforms for an equal distribution of material to ensure an even heat level and high dimensional and surface quality without compromising build density.
Run a profitable business
Create a sub-nest of parts from the same order to calculate an accurate quote. Commit to tight lead times by packing in more parts per build so you can increase printer profitability, reduce powder usage, and avoid scrap.
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Learn about Nester
Discover how to get started via our Academy, and get the answers to all your questions from customer support.
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