Apps and Integrations

Find a technology partner 

CO-AM partners are uniquely positioned to help you accelerate your additive manufacturing (AM) journey toward digital transformation. Connect with third-party software, hardware, and custom applications to streamline workflows and automate repetitive tasks within a secure environment. 

An image of the CO-AM logo with neon lines connecting to other third-party logos

Work smarter with CO-AM 

Keep your business in sync

Connect your shopfloor to your digital factory

Streamline workflows and automate tasks

Pre-print workflows

Castor logoTwikit logotrinckle logo

Production workflows

HP logoEOS logoPhase3D logoStratasys and GrabCAD logos

Post-production workflows

AM-Flow logoAMT logoDyeMansion logoPostProcess logo

Discuss a partnership that suits you

Are you looking to connect your digital thread, integrate your manufacturing equipment to the cloud, or maximize the efficiency of your 3D printers? Our team of AM experts can analyze your situation and recommend which arrangement is relevant to your growth plans.

Talk to our team